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Celebrating Fr. Ed's
50th Jubilee of Ordination
Ordained June 10, 1973
Valentine's Parking Lot Parade
February 12
3:00 PM, Drive-through Parade
Thank you to everyone!
St. Patty's Day Celebration
March 17
6 PM, Fish Fry & Irish Pub
Thank you to everyone!
Jubilee Mass & Reception
June 4
3 PM Mass, Reception to Follow
All are invited! Please RSVP.
Jubilee Day
June 10
We celebrate 50 years of ordination!
Picnic with our Pastor
January 29
1 PM, Bonadome
Thank you to everyone!
Pancakes with our Pastor
April 16
8-11 AM, Cafeteria
Tickets at the door
Cocktail Party Parish Center
June 2
7-10 PM, Semi-Formal Attire
Sold Out
Alumni Mass
June 8
1 PM Mass
All are invited!
We Express our Gratitude
Gratitude: the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.
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