Altar Society
Church Office
The Altar Society is involved in the preparation of our Church, Chapel and Sacristies for all celebrations according to the Liturgical Calendar and the needs of the Parish, School, Religious Education and Ministries. Our members, in a quiet and humble way, are at work year round and there are many the areas that require daily and seasonal attention therefore, many helping hands are needed. The joy of serving the Lord in this Ministry never ends and it only requires good will and loving hands.
Athletae Christi (Spanish)
Familia de la Natividad y Epifanía de Nuestro Señor:
Athletae Christi es una Asociación Privada de Fieles, con personalidad jurídica de acuerdo al Código de Derecho Canónico en sus cánones 298-311 y 321-329. La Asociación se rige por lo establecido en sus Estatutos, así como por las demás disposiciones canónicas universales y particulares.
Athletae Christi fundada en Caracas, Venezuela en el año 2000 por Monseñor Rafael Maria Febres- Cordero después de muchos años de larga meditación. Por la gracia de Dios, la Asociación ha crecido rápidamente y está actualmente en las regiones de América del Sur, Centro América, América del Norte, Europa, Asia y África. Orientada a atender a las familias y/o individuos, sus miembros se reúnen en fraternidades en donde comparten la Lecticio Divina , reflexiones varias y comparten cotidianidades . La búsqueda de la Santidad personal y colectiva es fundamental para un Athletae Christi haciendo énfasis en la Adoración Eucarística y el rezo diario del santo rosario.
Compassionate Bible Circles at the Arms of Love
Our bible study has been meeting weekly in the evening since 2007. We enter into the mystery of the arms of love through compassionate circles of care. We prepare with reading from the Bible before our class. When together, we share our stories and relate them to bible stories and the communion of saints. We recognize connections so to emerge towards inclusive, creative and prayer-filled communities. We reflect, with open minds, as we bear witness to the faith of ordinary people. Our stories are woven with narratives from non-oppressive, authoritative texts from the Bible, respected theological authors and the Communion of Saints which creates fabrics of justice initiated in the arms of love. We study Scripture from the “World of the Text, the World In Front of the Text and the World Behind the Text”. We explore, renew and polish our theological lens, to transform our perspectives to value creation, ourselves, each other and our image of God. We share gratitude, wonder and awe, and understanding, being graced by our awareness of the Source of all, the peace from our relationship with Jesus, and the joys from the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit.
Grupo Carismático de Oración (Spanish)
A nuestro Grupo Carismático de Oración vienen las personas a crecer en la vida espiritual, guiadas por el Espíritu Santo. Comenzamos con el santo rosario. También tenemos alabanzas, testimonios, Misas, adoración, y servicios de sanación en la Capilla. Todos los miércoles a las 7 PM.
Cenacle of the Divine WilL / Cenáculo de la Divina Voluntad
Church Office
EN: This ministry meets to reflect on the writings of the Servant of God, Luisa Piccaretta. Through her writings, Jesus teaches what the Holy Will of God can do, and how far it can go when the soul gives it full liberty to act, not interrupting Its work with its human will.
SP: Este ministerio se reúne para reflexionar en los escritos de la Sierva de Dios, Luisa Piccaretta. A través de sus escritos, Jesús enseña lo que la Divina Voluntad de Dios puede hacer, y la grandeza que puede lograr, cuando el alma le da plena libertad para actuar, sin interrumpir Su trabajo con su voluntad humana.
Emmaus Retreats
Fall and Spring
Men's & Women's (separate retreats)
Jose Gutierrez
Patience Khouri
The entire Emmaus weekend is based on Luke's Gospel, Chapter 24. So often in life, we either fail or have fallen away from recognizing the presence of Christ in our lives. We may have forgotten that He is always walking with us. The weekend creates an environment where all who attend will feel unconditionally loved, accepted and invited to a deeper walk with Christ or an awakening of His presence in our lives. The experience of the weekend has a lasting spiritual effect on the person attending. There are separate weekends for men and women and are held twice a year during the spring and the fall.
Holy Spirit Prayer Group
The Holy Spirit Prayer Group is a spiritual ministry based on the Charismatic Movement in the Church and the Carmelite Spirituality of St. Teresa of Avila and St. Jon of the Cross. Each meeting of the group involves quiet prayer, intercessory prayer, reading of the Scripture, music and singing, and raising the heard and hands in praise of our God in the Holy Spirit. Each session is an invitation to the Holy Spirit to come and fill our hearts with the Presence of God as we pray “Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and enkindle in the fire of your love…”
Legion of Mary
Legión de María
The Legion of Mary is a Lay Apostolate placed under the powerful leadership of Our Lady. It was created to support the Pastor in his ministries to the community. There’s no better way to show our love for Jesus than through our devotion to His Mother Mary. Come join the Legion of Mary and pray the Rosary, every Saturday at 10:30 A.M. in the Sacristy room of the Parish Center.
Would you like a more intimate relationship with our Blessed Mother? How honored she would be, to be a guest in your home! Let us bring Our Lady of Fatima Pilgrim Statue to your home; the Legion members will pray the Rosary with you, your family and friends.
SP: La Legión De María es un Apostolado seglar bajo el poderoso liderazgo de Nuestra Señora. Fue creado para ayudar al Pastor en sus ministerios dentro de la comunidad. Nuestro trabajo spiritual incluye llevar la Eucaristía a los enfermos, confinados en casa, hospital o centros de rehabilitación. Distribuimos literatura Católica, artículos religiosos, rosarios etc. a las personas que los necesitan. Semanalmente llevamos la estatua de la Virgen de Fátima al hogar de los que la solicitan y así promovemos la oración y devoción en familia. También entronizamos el Corazón de Jesús en los hogares. El objetivo de la Legión es dar Gloria a Dios con el crecimiento de sus miembros y sus vidas de oración y servicio a la Iglesia.
Padres y Madres Orantes
Church Office
El Ministerio de Madres y Padres Orantes es un grupo lleno de amor por Dios y por la familia, que se ha unido por medio de la Eucaristía, en oración e intercesión para la salvación de todos los hijos. Nos reunimos a hacer una Hora Santa, ante el Santísimo Sacramento del Altar para traer, através de nuestra oración y en silencio, la paz y la gracia de Dios a todos los hogares. Es nuestro deber como padres de orar por nuestros hijos, para que puedan llevar una vida en la gracia de Dios y formar hogares cristianos. Es necesario y también nuestro deber rescatar la unión, la paz y los valores en nuestros hogares. Eso lo lograremos redoblando la oración.
Prayer Chain
Cadena de Oración
Heather Patronaggio
The Prayer Chain, upon receiving phone calls from parishioners requesting prayers for an ill person, or one suffering in a stressful situation, will lovingly beseech God, Our Blessed Mother, and the Saints for spiritual, physical, or mental healing as needed. How does the Chain operate? The Leader, having received a prayer request, calls several other members, who in turn, call other members with the prayer request. Praying starts immediately.
SP: En la Cadena de Oración, una vez que se recibe la llamada o aviso de la persona que solicita oración por un enfermo, por una situación apremiante etc., con mucho amor se busca la ayuda de Dios, nuestra Madre Bendita, y los Santos para conseguir el alivio spiritual, mental o corporal que se necesita. La Cadena opera así: La persona encargada o líder recibe la petición, llama a varios de los miembros y ellos también llaman a otros miembros transmitiendo la petición. La Oración empieza inmediatamente.
Bryan McLaughlin
There are separate St. Bonaventure Men's and Women's Annual Retreats held at Our Lady of Florida Retreat House. These weekends have become special times in which one is able to put the hustle and bustle of every day aside and spend private time with God and your fellow retreatants. Activities include a series of outstanding talks, daily Mass, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, time for meditation, reading and excellent meals.
Rosary Making Guild
The Rosary Guild makes and distributes Rosaries to local hospitals, Catholic Churches and groups, and to mission Churches throughout the world. There are currently 149 members ranging in age from 16 to 96. We are supported solely through donations. We meet one Saturday each month in the Parish Center. Some members stay for the monthly meeting, making beads while enjoying fellowship, others choose to pick up supplies and complete the Rosaries in the comfort of their homes. New members are always welcome. Training and supplies are provided.
Vocation Blessing Cup
Cáliz de Bendición por Vocaciones
Church Office
Through this ministry, families have the opportunity to participate in leading our church in prayer for vocations to the priesthood and religious life. The family would present the "gifts" at Mass. At the end of Mass, this family would be called forward to be blessed and would then be presented with the vocation blessing cup. The family would bring this cup home and pray at least once daily at meal time with the prayers provided.
SP: A través de este ministerio, las familias tienen la oportunidad de rezar por las vocaciones al sacerdocio y a la vida religiosa. La familia presentaría las ofrendas en la Misa, donde recibirían la bendición del sacerdote y se les presentaría el cáliz de vocaciones. La familia traería esta copa a casa para orar una vez al día, a la hora de la comida, con las oraciones incluidas.
Intercessory Prayer
Oración de Intercesión
Luz Mary Salcedo
The Intercessory Prayer Group gathers to present to the Lord the needs of the people who requests their prayerful help. Based in faith, this group meets and all requests are placed in the Lord’s Will. Come this ministry, the needs are many and we need more people praying. Meeting are held on Mondays at 9:00 A.M.